The ‘crawl’ stage 1 … Mackay


Four-and-a-bit hours south, and we hit the coastal city of Mackay, home to over 70,000 people and the very hospitable brothers and sisters of Mackay Presbyterian Church.After speaking at the morning service at North Mackay, we headed to the Northern Beaches, and established some good connections in both congregations.

Through the week, Elspeth shared with a group of Northern Beaches ladies, and Keith joined some of the men for a bible study. We’ve been fed, licked (not sure if we were puppy-sitting or the other way around), and prayed for. A highlight was meeting some folks at a PresCare morning tea, and enjoying a few hands of euchre (a card game combining skill with a degree of bravado). It would be great to be that lively at 70 plus!

Prayer points

Praise God for opportunities to really get to know pe

ople. We don’t want the six week tour to be totally focussed on us, but hope to develop relationships and to be able to pray for folk in a meaningful way.

Pray for the Northern Beaches church plant, that they would continue to reach into the community with the gospel.

Mackay has been impacted by the economic slowdown in the mining sector, and this is felt in the city generally, and in the church community. Pray that God may sustain folk through uncertain times.

Next stop… Rockhampton & Yeppoon. Keep praying that God leads us into conversations and relationships to His glory.






Coming to a town near you!


In a few days time, we head off on our six week “church crawl”, seeking partnership with congregations and individuals along the journey. With 1800 kilometres of driving, and ten congregations in the schedule, we expect to be kept occupied.   It won’t be all work and no play – there is some amazing countryside along the way. We hope to be blogging each week up to Christmas, so keep checking for photos. We’ll soon see if the ‘smart phone’ lives up to its title. Expect snaps of church groups, generous hosts, lots of trees, and some relaxing campsites.

Prayer points

Safety… we take nothing for granted when travelling. Between the road surfaces, other drivers, and the odd kangaroo, there are plenty of potential hazards.

Stamina, physically and spiritually… we have planned to spend up to a week at each stop, but it is still a lengthy journey. Time away from routine can be a challenge. Pray that we be ready to serve each congregation in whatever way God leads.

Prepared hearts… that God will lead us to connections with folk who will take us into their hearts, their homes, and commit to partnering with us in His service.